Bakery and pasta

Mould-free delicacies!

Solutions for ceiling and wall systems

Baked and pasta products must be processed in hygienic premises.

Moist pasta, raw fillings, especially with the use of eggs, pose some dangers. To prevent microorganisms from spreading during processing, we at Hydewa use glass-fiber reinforced plastic.

Especially for the interior finishing of bakeries, confectioneries, etc., we use the numerous advantages of GRP materials, first and foremost Glasbord®. Their special surface reduces the formation of condensation and thus provides no breeding ground for mold. Our Glasbord® products are also suitable for the special storage of baked goods:

They are colorfast, abrasion-resistant and do not yellow even when sodium hydroxide solutions are used.

Our products — your advantages

Decken- und Wandsysteme für Bäckereien, Konditoreien & mehr