Optimized Hygiene for the meat production.
Customer demands, EC regulations and other quality assurance systems require seamless hygienic production, processing and storage of meat and sausage. Good that there is Hydewa! Because we are your competent partner for perfect building hygiene.
Hygienic ceiling and wall systems made of GRP (glass-fiber-reinforced plastic) from Hydewa, in particular our Glasbord® products, ensure optimum hygienic conditions in your plant at all stages of meat processing.
Flexible in assembly, Glasbord® can be used in all areas, from production to cooling areas, either as a sandwich system or in direct assembly. The simple and short hygienic cleaning enables faster production processes.
As a hygienic wall and ceiling system, Glasbord® makes a valuable contribution to building hygiene and, as a final result, creates a modern, future-oriented operation.
Our products — your advantages